


Most frequent questions and answers

Applications are now open! You can now complete your application to join the team here.  All applications should be submitted by 23:59pm local time on 31st January to be considered.

The Charity Week Board of Advisors, International Directors, and the Islamic Relief national or regional manager of your specific region.

Applications are reviewed from the following angles (in no particular order):

  1. Is someone planning to be part of Charity Week in the long term
  2. The applicants skills to perform the role
  3. The loyalty of the applicant to the vision 
  4. The ability to think a few steps ahead and be proactive
  5. Their availability throughout the year – especially during particularly busy periods
  6. Will giving someone a role creating a gap in the team somewhere else
  7. How many people are applying for a similar role
  8. Would this individual be a good fit with those likely to be in adjacent roles

Not everyone will get their chosen role or any role – and this is understandable given the number of applicants and limited roles available. 

This is not necessarily a reflection on you, but that others may have been more suited for the role from a variety of different angles. 

We hope that unsuccessful applicants will take the situation as an opportunity to improve their skills and contribute to the project (or other campaigns) even if they don’t have an official responsibility. 

If you would like unofficial feedback on your application please email info@charityweek.com

If the applicant is a relative or friend of an assessor, they are excluded from assessing that application.

Yes. We take your privacy seriously and so these applications are only shared with those assessing the applications.

All applicants will be informed on the status of their application by the end of February for International and National Roles and at the end of March for Regional Roles

Please send all portfolios to info@charityweek.com with your name in the subject line.

Everyone is welcome to apply no matter how much Charity Week experience you may have. Every application will be considered for Ambassador roles. Specialist roles will require prior experience.

Any applications for operation roles (barring creative content applicants) require at least 2 years prior Charity Week team experience. Only applications for the Regional Shura will be considered with only 1 years worth of regional team experience. Additionally, Marketing/Creative/Website applicants will be asked to share their portfolios via info@charityweek.com for consideration.

Most roles will begin from March and will run until the start of December when CW will close for the year

A shura is a central leadership team. There are three levels of shura teams in the Charity Week structure: Regional, National and International. They all consist of the lead, vice leads and gensecs of each respective team.

Yes! The year will begin with weekly training sessions for all Ambassadors followed by any specific training during the year to support them in fulfilling their duties

We understand that all team members have their own commitments (work, university, school, personal lives) and aim to minimise required time for all our commited volunteers.

You will find a detailed breakdown of estimated time to be committed in order to successfully fill your role and reach personal growth in the Job Descriptions.

Charity Week as an almost virtual-only lead organisation. The requirement to travel is limited to occasional events such as Face to Face Meetings or local visits to  institutions and individuals taking part in Charity Week.

Everyone is able to take part in Charity Week! No matter your age or background, whether you are part of an institution or organisation or not, you are welcome to sign up to the CW team.

If you want to take part in CW as a participant only, participant sign-ups will launch officially in Spring.

We understand that all team members have their own commitments (work, university, school, personal lives) and will need to take time off during the year.

Please indicate periods of unavailability when asked on the form.

We are so excited that you want to join in for Charity Week! Institution sign-ups for CW will launch officially in Spring!

You can email info@charityweek.com if you have further questions about signing up.

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